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Saturday, November 9, 2013

Operation Christmas Child

HAPPY SATURDAY EVERYONE! So today I'm doing a non food post about a cause that I love. That cause is Operation Christmas Child.

The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to needy children around the world, and together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Watching the videos with the children's reaction is pretty amazing. They are so excited it makes me smile :)

We attend a smaller church in the area with about 65 families, and we commit to giving 100 shoe boxes each year. Jim and I love to contribute, we each do our own box.

This is a picture of my girly box. As you can see I had to include my favorite color purple and lots of pink. My fun items include a Belle figurine, Lisa Frank Coloring book, a jump rope, and some fun hair pretties. The children also need practical things so I included socks, a toothbrush with toothpaste, and some chap stick. They advise to put something lovable on top, so that the kids get an instant attachment to it. Admit it that monkey is cute, I would love him :)

There it is all packed up... Ok I have to admit that was my first attempt but then I couldn't get the lid on. So Jim had to rearrange it for me.

This is Jim's boy box.... plus there is suppose to be a football in the picture. We found out later after we packed them that it rolled away. He had included a puzzle, a funny mustache glass set (the nose actually wiggles), a football, some notepads and crayons for his fun items. On the practical side there is chap stick, toothbrush and toothpaste, Toy Story soap, a washcloth, and some socks. Plus his person got a monkey too. Those monkeys were too cute to pass up.

There it is all packed up. His lid fit the first time. See the football made it. Whew.

We always have a good time each year going to the Dollar Store and picking out our boxes. You should hear us yelling across aisles to each other. Look they have small puzzles! What toothbrush would they like? I found the jump ropes. You get the picture. The person who checks us out always gets a chuckle too.

I encourage you to check out the Operation Christmas Child website for more information. They have local drop off locations, and you can even build a box online. You wouldn't even have to leave your chair to send one of  these boxes :)

If you live locally you can give me your box and I will bring it to our church. I just need to drop it off by next Sunday the 17th. Our church is paying for the shipping too, so you don't need to worry about that part :)